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Workplace Ethics and Behavior

Ashwini Kulkarni Sule
What are workplace ethics? These are the basic codes of conduct that enable an employee as well as an organization to prosper in more ways than one. Read ahead about the proper code of conduct expected at a workplace.
Ethical behavior forms the basis of human life. Without this very important virtue, our life wouldn't have been any different from that of animals. Ethics are a core value of our society. They greatly influence the outcome of our every action, be it in domestic life or at work.
Workplace ethics training is largely becoming popular, as most of the organizations have understood the importance of this virtue. Encouraging ethical behavior at the workplace has resulted in greater productivity in many organizations. Moreover, it also helps the employees to evolve into better human beings.

Workplace Ethics for Employees

Commitment Towards Work

This is the most important of all ethics in the workplace, because your work is your everything, while at office. Since, you are being hired to work, you should invariably keep your side of the bargain.
Dillydallying your work only makes you lazy and unproductive. You set a very bad example of professionalism in the workplace. Such behavior rarely goes unnoticed by the management. Hence, sooner or later you will have to bear the consequences of your lack of commitment towards work.

Loyalty Towards Organization

While you are on the payroll of your organization, you should bestow all your loyalties towards your organization. A loyal employee rarely needs to be reminded regarding his duties and responsibilities.
You should always consider the interest of your organization before personal interest. Dishonest behavior, which can malign the image of the organization or prove to be unprofitable to the organization in any way, is highly unprofessional.

Compassion Towards Coworkers

As a professional, it is understandable that you compare yourself with your colleagues. A fair amount of competitiveness amongst employees is acceptable. However, do not let your personal ambitions rise above the interest of the organization.
You can never truly succeed in your life if you steal other people's credit or follow unethical practices to accomplish your task. It is important to have compassion for your coworkers and respect their work.
If you are being genuinely good to them, it will reflect in your work and also motivate them to perform better. The employees should learn how to work together as a team. This will result in better output for the organization.

Workplace Ethics for Employers

Transparency While Hiring

Often, it is seen that the management hires unproductive and incompetent people, due to the personal interest of one of the top management personnel. A worthy potential employee may be left out due to such hiring policy.
Since employees are an asset for any organization, unfair hiring practices inflict a lasting damage to the organization in the long run.

Equality Towards All Employees

The organization should not discriminate employees based on any ground. All employees should be treated as equal irrespective of their age, gender, religion, color, nationality, etc.
The management should not have its favorite 'handpicked' employees in the organization. Similarly, they should also not hold grudges against some employees due to personal conflicts. Employee's performance and productivity should be considered as the only parameters for an appraisal or promotion.

Humane Behavior Towards Employees

Often, the top executives of an organization adopt inhuman practices to promote productivity or multiply the profits of the organizations. Unreasonably long working hours, undue workload, etc., all adversely affect the morale of the employees.
Though, this may result in short term profit for the organization, it hampers the growth of the organization in the long run. Due to such practices, the organization may even lose some of its valuable employees.
Every organization should promote good workplace ethics, as they often result in the betterment of the organization as well as employees. Employers should set an example of ethical behavior for the employees to follow.