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Soft Skills for Workplace

Priya Johnson
Soft skills are intangible, but highly essential skills that every employee should have to succeed in the workplace. While technical skills are vital to carry out a job, soft skills are also crucial in the long run.
When there are two or more suitable candidates for a job, with the same qualifications and credentials, what differentiates them is their soft skills. Since there is no particular list of soft skills, they are difficult to identify and often take years to master.

What Are Soft Skills

Soft skills are people or relationship skills, that help you interact with others. They are difficult to work upon because of their intangible nature.

Communication skills, teamwork skills, problem-solving skills, work ethics, positive energy, and overall attitude fall under the ‘soft-skills’ umbrella.

Why Are Soft Skills Important

Intangible soft skills are highly crucial for any job, because just having the knowledge of technical or hard skills isn’t enough to function effectively.

For example, if a teacher has the knowledge, but lacks the soft skills to transfer that knowledge to the students effectively and creatively; the output is nil because the job was to teach.

Communication Skills

Good communication skills ensure smooth transfer of ideas, both laterally among team members and vertically with the top management.

These skills cannot be limited to speaking and writing skills, but more importantly include the ability to convey ideas, convince, and persuade fellow professionals to get the job done.

Negotiation Skills

To get a particular job done and persuade the right people, it’s important to have good negotiation skills. A person who has good negotiation skills will not be too rigid, but will also not be easily pushed over.

Negotiation is always about maintaining the right balance of rigidity and flexibility, that is essential for the job.


A positive outlook on life is very important even at a workplace, because the absence of the right attitude can prove detrimental.

Negative attitude spreads negative vibes among team members. Optimistic attitude is infectious and spearheads work productivity.

Conflict Resolution Skills

Not much importance is given to this skill, however, an inability to intelligently handle differences of opinion, is sure to choke the smooth functioning at work.

Listening, maintaining an objective outlook on the problem, and having the willingness to find a common solution are all essential for conflict resolution.

Teamwork Skills

Working in a team with a number of people with different thought processes and ideas is definitely a Herculean task.

Team members need to take into account the big picture and work in co-operation and co-ordination with one another.


The world is constantly evolving and so is the workplace. In this fast-paced, constantly-evolving age, adaptability is vital.

The eagerness to learn and adapt constantly, along with flexibility is crucial for progressive and successful work culture.

Interpersonal Skills

An employee’s success at the workplace is often directly proportional to his or her ability to interact well with other professionals; give respect, and amicably come to an understanding.

Although technology may have reduced the need for interpersonal interaction, it cannot eliminate it.

Handling Pressure

Irrespective of the type of workplace or industry, the ability to handle high pressure circumstances is of great significance.

We work in a world of cut-throat competition, and often succeeding means rising above the storm. Employees who can handle pressure effectively are an asset to any organization.
It’s vital we understand the importance of soft skills in our lives, and keep honing them. Soft skills are 'ours' for life and never go outdated. It will remain with us irrespective of the job or organization change. Thus, must be given attention and developed to the best of one's ability.