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Organizational Communication

Gaynor Borade
The most versatile facet of communication in organizations is the extensive interpersonal communication between individuals. The different variables are affected by the relationship between the sender and the receiver.
The "Information and Communication Revolution" of the current times, has just moved on to the next level. The role of electronic and wireless media has increased manifold, and the demand for excellence in communication is all around.
It hardly matters if the application of organizational communication is to achieve individual or collective management goals; the level of efficiency affects every transaction.
The importance of communication is better understood with the need to interact. Whether on a personal level, or within an organization, people relate to one another only through some medium of communication. In fact, an organization's survival largely depends on teams that are able to maintain effective and lasting relationships.
The extent and efficiency of communication in organizations are influenced by the infrastructure of the institution itself. The meaningful and essential transfer of information between persons and groups within an organization, ripples down into the quality and profitability of every transaction.
The need to communicate may be extensive, from the completion of a task or management aim, to establishing and maintaining profitable human relationships. The "transfer" of ideas and crucial information from the sender to the receiver, is the basic aspect of communication in professional institutions.
The efficiency lies in the information that is received in an "as-is" manner. The vital concepts and strategies within a company need to be effectively communicated for a profitable outcome.
Communication is a functional component of any system. The reference may or may not be confined to some interpersonal context. It is designed and monitored within a structure, which is predetermined by the management, to serve the profit-enhancing capacity of the setup.
It is kept flowing within a network of channels, between members and units. It is natural for a system or pattern to continue in such a way, that it accesses all the information vital to decision-making. However, in the face of breakdown in the communication process, an institution needs to maintain an empirically verifiable database.
The communication strategy is based on a number of observable characteristics, which can be replicated and transformed into variables, and can be converted into mediums that extend to various groups and settings.
It is a mechanical process of constructing and encoding information, and transmitting the same through some channel, with the chances of distortion identified and eliminated.
Individual differences within an organization, can be minimized with careful management techniques and communicative activity. It can either move along a prescribed pathway, or a random application. The former is the most applied and the best technique for formal communication.
The dedicated software available for a company is applicable to verbal, nonverbal, and written communication.
The information moves along designated routes, and all the data is recorded and filed as work orders, accounting records, inventory, sales reports, and policy statements. The target is to inform or to request information, within the paradigms set for the line of authority.
This data defines the important channels, and maps the flow of information. It is carried out within structured guidelines for sending, receiving, and recording messages, which are vital to operations and business. Dedicated information, opinions, and expressions are chosen for convenience and necessity.
Organizational communication is designed to cater to the replication of psychological, social, economic, and technological needs of the company. The exchange of information is carried out, and charted to conform and share opinions, ambitions, and feedback from the superiors, in order for the pursuit of achievement and power.
The need to "locomote" and "blow off steam", as well as bypass official channels at times, contributes to the factors that are essential for the application of a communication strategy within every organization.
Communication in organizations works like a circuit, and ensures the effective application of its dynamics. One-way communication may be faster, but two-way is the more accurate, and most organizations opt for the latter.