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Fun Office Party Activities

Office parties are a great way of unwinding with your colleagues and knowing them better. Here are some fun ideas for the same.
Ashwini Kulkarni Sule
Office parties are those 'compulsive socializing' events with your coworkers, which truly and entirely demean the word 'party'. The idea of spending an evening doing fun activities with your co workers and that too, in a conference room, is definitely dreadful.
You often have to deal with awkward silences or endure the non-stop rant about company or boss. You have to fake a hearty laugh on a pathetic joke by your supervisor, which is anything but funny.
The worst part is that, throughout the event you have to act like you are interested and thoroughly enjoying the 'party'. However, if planned wisely, office parties can indeed be a great way of breaking ice and fostering the bond between employees.

Office Party Activities

Office party organizing begins with proper and interesting office party invitation wording. The invitation must clearly state the nature of the party, dress code and also mention the theme if any.
It should give the attendees a clear idea of what to expect from the party. Contribution should also be mentioned on the invitation. Next step is to plan activities for the attendees, that will keep them engaged without getting bored.


This is a true ice breaker game. The attendees discreetly select a 'snowman' from among themselves. The job of this snowman is to freeze in the middle of whatever he is doing, at any point of time during the party.
Whenever the rest of the group sees him, they have to freeze as well. The last person to freeze loses out the game and becomes the next snowman. The key is to keep an eye on the snowman and imitate him as soon as he freezes.

Celebrity Couples

In this game, a handful of attendees get to become celebrities for the rest of the evening. Ask the attendees to volunteer for the game in pairs. Stick a tag on their back which states the name of the celebrities, the couple are supposedly playing, e.g Brad and Angelina. The couple of course doesn't know who they are.
The task is such, that the rest of the attendees have to check the tag and talk to the couple the way they would talk to the real celebrities. The couple then has to find out their identity, from these conversations. However, obvious hints are to be avoided to retain the excitement in the game.

Crazy Communication

The game is to be played in the teams of two or four. You'll need an assortment of sweets or any items for this game. The players sit back-to-back with the plate of sweets in their hands.
One of the players gets the plate, with the sweets arranged in a peculiar way, while his team mate's plate consists of the same items, but piled in the middle of the plate. The job of the first player is to direct his partner in such a way that he replicates the arrangement of sweets on the first player's plate.
This activity is not only fun to play but also puts the communication skills of the employees to test. It also tests the ability of the employees to follow the directions to the word.

Liar Liar

This is one of the popular office party games, wherein the group of attendees is made to sit around the table. Every person is asked to make 3 statements about himself, one true and two false. The rest of the group has to guess which one is the true statement. The player is awarded one point for every incorrect guess.
The game continues for every person on the table and lastly, the person with highest score is awarded the title of 'The Biggest Liar in the Office'. This is a good activity to know your colleagues better.

Shoe Shuffle

Ask the attendees to remove their shoes, and collect all the shoes in a pile. Divide the attendees into several teams of 5 to 7 people.
Now one person from each team reaches the pile, searches his shoes, puts them on and joins his teammates. Immediately, next person from the team repeats the sequence and so on until all the members have their shoes on. The team that finishes earliest wins the task.
Some other activities include 'gift exchange' or 'bringing your own dessert'. No matter what activities you choose for your office party, just make sure to make the session interactive, so that your guests leave the party with fond memories and an eagerness to attend the next one.