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Moving Up and Getting Ahead

Consider the following ways to get more job satisfaction and advancement.
Carol Evenson
If you are anything like most working adults, you probably spend more of your waking hours at work than you do at home. While some people are perfectly content to go to work every day simply to make ends meet, others crave something more.
They want to feel that they are truly contributing to the bigger picture and leaving their mark on the world. If you are someone who falls into the latter category of workers, consider the following ways to get more job satisfaction and advancement.

Establish Yourself

Instead of being a cog in the wheel, make your presence known by making your services as indispensable as possible. In other words, don’t limit yourself to just one area of your employer’s business. Introduce yourself to members of other departments, associated companies and even to the mail delivery person.
The more that you get your name out, the more people will recognize you and think of you for potential projects or duties. Once you have done this, you can prove your reliability and willingness to get the job done. You can become the go-to person for many people, and learn in the process.
Soon everyone will wonder how they got anything done without your expertise.

Get an Education

Even if your position did not initially require a certain degree, diploma or certificate, you may want to consider obtaining some type of formal training. However, this is especially important if you are trying to pursue a career in something technical like engineering.
Looking for online education opportunities can become very useful. Nowadays, there are even programs for technical fields where you can achieve your mechanical engineering masters online. You will show your commitment to your line of work, and you will quite possibly also learn something new.
Many companies are willing to offer compensation for tuition costs if the classes are job related, so you will also be free of any additional debt that could be incurred. Even if you want to expand your horizons into something that is not directly associated with your specific duties, continuing your education is a wise choice.
Your employer will most likely be impressed that you are interested in self-improvement, and could possibly see potential in places that you had not even thought of yet. With the right training, there really is no limit to what you can do with your abilities.

Know Your Peers

You spend a lot of time with your coworkers, and sometimes it can feel like they are a second family. If you are outgoing, you probably won’t have much trouble establishing a social circle in the workplace.
But you don’t have to be a social butterfly in order to be a friendly person, and offering others a kind word and showing interest in who they are is always welcome if the intentions are good. Likewise, allow others to get to know you.
This shows them that you are open to them, and that you are trustworthy. Building a rapport is a key to being part of the team, and it instills a sense of harmony. Maintaining harmony on the job leads to greater potential for everyone involved.
Productivity can increase exponentially when people get along well and care for one another. It is an “everyone wins” situation. When the team is happy, the employer is happy!

Be Confident

Gaining responsibilities can be overwhelming and even a little bit scary sometimes, but the best approach to advancing your career is with confidence and composure. Make it a habit to remind yourself of the reasons that your employer hired you in the first place, and continue to build upon those reasons.
Begin your shift with a positive attitude and encourage others. Set an example for your friends, and never let a bad day or a setback ruin everything that you have worked so hard for.
Remember that no one is perfect, and that as long as you learn from any mistakes - big or small - you are already well on your way to being past the low point. You are now even more capable and informed, and the company is fortunate to have you on their staff!