In an increasingly hectic work-culture, meditation is fast gaining recognition as an effective way to combat stress. Know the various meditation techniques to adapt it to your work routine, for inner peace and work productivity.
You're sitting at your desk, typing away. Things are going just as planned, and you're checking things off your to do list. Then, all of a sudden you have 15 new emails, all demanding you do something right away, and your boss shows up to tell you that project you've been working on for months needs to be revised.
It happens to everyone, and even the best of us get overwhelmed at work sometimes. The next time this happens - or even the next time you're just feeling a little stressed out - try doing some meditation at work. It really helps you focus, calm yourself, and prepare for the task at hand.
Meditation Basics
Just taking a deep, cleansing breath and letting it out slowly and mindfully can be a form of meditation that is very effective at work. If you find yourself breathing shallowly or holding your breath while you are completing a task, try pausing your activity for just a moment.
Close your eyes, and take in a deep breath through your nose. Fill the top of your lungs first, then the bottom. You should feel your upper ribcage expand, then the bottom of your ribcage. Slowly, with control, release the breath through pursed lips. Release the breath in the opposite way as you took it in: from the bottom to the top of your lungs.
Do this a few times, and you will find yourself feeling extremely relaxed and refocused.
The deep breathing form of meditation is by far the easiest form of meditation you can perform, and you can do it anywhere. It's also a great technique to follow during anxiety-producing situations.
Practice deep breathing meditation before a big presentation, meeting, or interview. Even if you're not feeling physically nervous, deep breathing can help you focus, clear your head, and relax your muscles.
If you find yourself clenching your muscles while performing a certain task, you can try another basic muscle relaxing meditation. Starting at the top of your head and working your way all the way down to your feet, clench your muscles as hard as you can, and then release them.
Start by clenching and releasing your eyebrows, then your eyelids, then your mouth, shoulders, biceps, hands, and so on all the way down to your toes. This will bring attention to your muscles and help relax them.
Higher-Level Meditation
There are other forms of meditation that can be very helpful at work, especially if you work in front of a computer or do tedious tasks on your feet. These types of meditation are not recommended for people who work with heavy machinery. Performing mindful meditation requires a little more brainpower than simply breathing or relaxing your muscles.
In mindful meditation, you focus only on the task at hand by performing that task and telling yourself you will perform it.
Say to yourself, "I am going to vacuum that rug. Now I am vacuuming the rug. Next, I will vacuum under the table. Now, I am vacuuming under the table" as you are doing each activity. This helps keep your mind off other things that might be bothering you while you complete a task, and allows you to clear your mind while focusing on the task at hand.
Group Meditation
There are all kinds of group meditation classes available for you if you know where to look. Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, or even dance classes can help you focus your mind while exercising your body.