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Find Out the Level of Your Job Satisfaction

Shalaka Bhosale
Are you happy with the kind of work you do? Do you drag yourself to work everyday? Are you satisfied with your job or is it a question that you would not want to be asked? Bearing in mind that we spend most of our day at the workplace, one should not be stuck in a job that does not yield contentment.
There are a few aspects that might help you to assess your level of job satisfaction. It is independent of individual choices, but narrows down to the point where it is important to be satisfied with what one does.

Growth Aspect

This is one of the key factors, without which there can't be job satisfaction. For some individuals personal growth in terms of skills and knowledge gained is important whereas for some others in addition to knowledge, growth in hierarchy is priority. In either case, advancement is a key factor to fulfillment.

Money Talks

Adequate compensation drives ones interest in the job execution and their performance, so let us not fool ourselves that money does not matter.
There are a few who work not to earn a living, but to keep themselves occupied, even if this is the case, it becomes necessary that such individuals be paid as per the industry standard.

Responsibility & Accountability

Responsibility or freedom of action is another important factor that needs to be considered while you analyze your satisfaction. Responsibility and accountability boosts most people's level of interest in the job.

Job Security

Stability and security is vital to everyone and at all times. Security in terms of job is no exception. Insecurity is very likely to affect performance, morale and confidence.


We all love to be recognized and appreciated for the work that we do as it helps increase confidence and self-esteem. It is highly important to know the outcome of a task assigned in terms of good or bad appraisal so as to help one to improve their potential.


Enjoyment at work comes with satisfaction. If you look forward to going to work, even if your job is some kind of routine work and if you feel a sense of pride and achievement upon completing an important task, then you definitely enjoy your job.

People You Work With

Being comfortable with people we work is highly necessary. It is very difficult to work with people you hate or can not relate to. One should not try to find best friends in their co-workers, but it's important that you get along well with all.

Working Hours & Conditions

Long hours induces fatigue in individuals, which might induce oversight in them and people make mistakes in these situations which take more time to be solved. One does and should have a life outside work. Long hours without breaks should be a strict no.
If one is required to put in long hours, make sure you are getting compensated or getting knowledge and experience that you can not afford to lose. Working conditions should be comfortable.


Last, but not the least is another important factor in terms of job satisfaction. Your designation derived from your talent and knowledge should be eligible for some privileges.
Try to measure each of these factors on a scale of one to five. If most of your assessment falls close to 2 or 3 indicating not happy, no enjoyment, no satisfaction, it is time to move to a more satisfying job.