Delegation of work promotes individual learning and leadership development, besides getting the work done effectively. Read on to know more on the importance of delegation in an organization.
In a layman's language, delegation can be defined as division and distribution of work and power in an organization, by a manager, amongst the subordinates, so that the organizational work can be done effectively and in time.
Usually, delegation involves telling each of the subordinates about the outcomes expected from the tasks assigned to them and then leave the decision making to them as to how that particular work should be done so that the desired results can be obtained.
Delegation is a key management skill, which is used by a manager when he is overloaded with work and it is impossible for him to give full justice to it on his own.
Delegation, besides being good for getting the work done appropriately, has many other advantages for the business as well. Read on to know more.
Importance of Effective Delegation
Quality Work
The most important benefit of delegation is that the work gets done much more effectively and in time.
As the work is divided and each employee is told in advance what is expected of him, he is able to give his best to the work at hand. Moreover, the work is given to the employees according to their capability, skills and ability. This helps in maintaining the quality of the work.
Enhanced Productivity
The main job of a manager is to assess and analyze the work of his subordinates. If he delegates work, he can focus on other important assignments. This can in a way contribute to better productivity and thus, more profits for the business.
Skills Development
A manager, while delegating and supervising the work, gets to develop multiple leadership such as communication, decision making, planning, organizing, etc.
On the other hand, the subordinates are given freedom to complete the tasks in a manner they deem is the best and this enhances their creativity and motivation. All these things are very positive as far as learning and growth of the employees is concerned.
Increased Profits
Delegation is important for a manager so that he can focus and utilize the extra time on his hands on other important tasks such as planning, making strategies, analyzing the market and the way work is done in the office, etc.
By laying emphasis on these important tasks, a manager can contribute immensely to greater profits and success for the business.
Organizational Stability
Effective delegation promotes stability in an organization. When subordinates are delegated work, they learn how to do the tasks, not only on the basis of the written codes and procedures, but also using a bit of their own imagination. This makes them learn and develop many new skills, which gradually helps to shape them into future managers and leaders.
Thus, through appropriate delegation, an organization promotes leadership. As employees are more likely to stick to an organization where they see potential growth prospects, this lends stability to the company.
How to Delegate?
There are certain steps of delegation, which should be followed, if all these mentioned benefits of delegation are to be enjoyed by an organization. Firstly, the tasks that have to be performed should be defined very clearly along with the expectations.
Secondly, the persons who have to do these tasks should be chosen very wisely. Only those who have the skills and ability to do the job well, should be selected. Thirdly, the chosen employees should be trained appropriately. They should be provided with all kinds of resources and support needed to do the job.
Timelines and deadlines for the task at hand should be set and finally, the subordinates should be given constant feedback on how they are faring so that they can make the necessary changes and improvements.
At the end of it all, a manager should remember that the onus of the job still lies on him. So, he should make sure that the work is done well and within the stipulated time frame.
In a nutshell, delegation is an important tool for individual as well as organizational development, provided it is used properly. It boosts the confidence of employees, enhances productivity and promotes organizational stability. Looking at these benefits and to enjoy the success that comes with delegating work, managers should aim to make wise use of it.