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Implementing Change in the Workplace

Rujuta Borkar
When it comes to the issue of implementing change in the workplace, there are several key factors that are involved. Read on to know about some of those important factors.
Change is always difficult to think of, execute, and then deal with. The love of the familiar and the comfortable will always want people to stay in the place that they are. But the rule of the universe is that change has to happen and change for the better should always be encouraged as a part of workplace ethics.
A change in one's work area is looked upon in the same way as well. And it is not to say that there won't be any problems when it comes to implementing change in the workplace either. Here, we will be going a little deeper into the factors of implementing these changes and learn how to deal with them by using effective modes of change management.

How to Implement Change in the Workplace

If change is thrust upon someone, then the process of dealing with it becomes that much more difficult. That is why it is important to follow certain key steps when it comes to implementing change at work.
The following are some of the factors that should go with the process of managing business change in the workplace so that it is minimally difficult and proves to be a success.

Inform the Staff

It is important that the employees be told about the change(s) and the change in their duties right from the time the decision is made by the management. Also, provide certain change management models to them.
This will give them a clear understanding of what is going to happen and will therefore allow them the time to prepare for the changes mentally, as well as by acquiring the skills that will be needed in their new role (if they are expected to switch tasks).
This will ultimately help in dealing with the change because they will not be thrust into the change and expected to adjust, they will have time to prepare.

Goal and Vision Discussion

The employees have a right to know the reasons behind this change so that it does not lead to any barriers when the change is happening.
The goals that the enterprise has in mind and the vision has to be specified to the employees such that they know what the advantages of that change are. Having a clear goal in mind makes it easier to etch out their role and how to implement it. Thus it will not have an adverse effect on the employee performance as well.

Make it a Team Effort

The best way of managing change at work is to make it a team effort wherever possible. This is done by including them in the planning and decision-making process.
Giving them the chance to give their opinions on the varied issues that come with the changes and voice their problems about it, will make it a two-way process.
This only goes to show that they are an important part of the company, that their opinions are needed, and this will lead them to cooperate and work as a team to make the changes work. Thus, production and efficiency will not suffer and teamwork will be encouraged.

Stress on the Positive

When there is a change and people find it difficult to deal with it, they will stress more and more on the negative. This attitude needs to be changed as it can have a very bad effect on the productivity of employees and the final production of the company.
The best way to handle this is to remind them of the positive aspects of the change―maybe in the form of employee incentives, a change in salary structure, or an increase in the benefits that they will get.
This will help them realize that there is something in it for them and it'll be easier to deal with it.

Provide Training

Providing employee training and other training sessions that will help them handle their new profiles better is always encouraged because it acts as an effective employee motivation tool.
This will not only train them sufficiently, but will also help them realize that the company is not just thrusting change onto them but is instead helping them in the process of adjusting and acclimatizing to the change and encouraging them to learn better. They won't begrudge the change then and it will act as motivation instead.

Open Communication

The workplace communication channels have to be kept open at all times, and not only during the change, but even after it.
The employees should be able to communicate adjustment problems or any other problems in the workplace that they are facing with the management.
Thus they will feel assured that their problems will be solved and a better environment for working will be provided. This will ultimately allow for effective methods of managing change in an organization.
Implementing and dealing with change in the workplace need not always be a difficult prospect. Especially not if you are aware of some of the issues that a change can bring about and develop steps of dealing with them effectively. This piece has provided you with some key factors by which you can make this change as easy as possible.