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How To Keep Your Employees Focused at Work

In an ideal world, your employees would spend their entire shifts focused on their work. Unfortunately, that often is not the case.
Kevin Gardner
Technology, in particular, has made it more difficult for workers to concentrate. A 2016 survey of more than 3,000 employees found that 82 percent of them keep their phones within their line of sight during work hours. Unsurprisingly, 55 percent of respondents also stated that their cell phone was the biggest distraction in the office.
Still, there are some simple ways to ensure your employees get their work done. Here are some tips for keeping them focused and on-task in the office.

1. Praise Hard Workers

Employees who used to work hard but have started to slack off may feel as if their productivity is not being properly incentivized. After all, if they believe their work is being ignored, they may decide there is no point in doing the work in the first place.
You should thus make sure that productive employees get the recognition they deserve. Try giving out company awards or honoring top workers in social media posts.
Even just a short conversation with a team member can work wonders. Be sure to tell employees regularly that you appreciate what they bring to the workplace. This bit of human connection can be just what your employees need to remain productive during difficult times at the office.

2. Contextualize the Work

Another way to limit apathy among your workers is to emphasize that their tasks have a purpose. Tell stories about the ways your products or services have impacted clients' lives. Your employees will realize that what they are doing is important, which will encourage them to work harder.

3. Keep the Office Lit

Research shows that natural light encourages productivity and creativity. If possible, use windows to add some brightness into the office. Even artificial lighting can help keep your employees alert.

4. Tell Employees What Is Important

Workers who feel they have nothing to do could easily get bored and start playing on their phones. The same is true of employees who are stuck on a tough problem or unsure what task to complete next.
You can combat this problem by giving employees clear goals and priorities. If a large project is coming up, break it into smaller pieces, each with its own deadline. This way, workers will know exactly which steps they need to take.

5. Change the Room Layout

Monotony in the workplace can leave employees feeling distracted and bored. However, changes to the office can give your team a boost of needed energy. While you probably can't afford to move to a new building every few months, you can change up the seating arrangements and general layout of the office.

6. Vary Your Meetings

Similarly, it can be easy for employees' minds to wander during repeated boring meetings. If you need to have regular meetings, switch things up by holding them in different location or removing the chairs from the room. You could also consider hiring keynote speakers to bring some variety to the meetings.

7. Encourage Breaks

Breaks allow your employees to recharge and refocus. However, some workers fear that if they take too many breaks, their bosses will feel they are lazy. Employees thus often eschew formal breaks. Instead, they glance at their phones or surf the internet every few minutes, which can hinder productivity.
Make sure your employees know that breaks are encouraged. You can even set aside periods of the day when workers can walk around and get re-energized. You may also want to put puzzles or adult coloring books in the break room for your workers to use when their brains need a rest.
Smartphones and the internet have made it easy to get distracted in the workplace. Your employees could become lazy and unfocused. By following the above steps, you can keep team members productive during those long days at the office.