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How to Improve Teamwork in the Workplace

Shalu Bhatti
Teamwork is one of the most important essence of a successful organization. Absence of teamwork can lead to a lot of problems in the organization. Read on to know the strengths of various individuals working in the organization so as to put them together to become an unbeatable team.
"The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime."
- Babe Ruth
These days the organizations, both big and small, have realized that it is only through proper teamwork and commitment that one can work towards achieving both organizational as well as individual goals.
The approach to give importance to teamwork is based on the human mindset and thinking. Even you would agree to the fact that you would be more enthusiastic for working with people whom you connect with and have a sense of belonging. The whole purpose of introducing the concept of teamwork in an organization is based on this perception.

Simple Ways to Improve Teamwork in the Workplace

As easy as the term 'teamwork' sounds or spells, it is equally difficult to bind a team together and channelize their individual strengths with proper coordination. The most challenging part is to understand the needs and expectations of each and every individual and bring them at the team level so that all can move forward together.
The problem is that what may seem right to team member A, may seem absolutely inappropriate to team member B. Therefore, the first and foremost step should be to select a team leader that can understand, counsel, convince and motivate each of the team member to work together as one. So what can be done to improve teamwork in the workplace?

A Team that Plays together Stays Together

Although the relationship that the team members share in the workplace is completely professional and work oriented, but then it is human to seek some 'play time' in the midst of workload and team targets.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so if you want to eliminate the dullness in your team members and rejuvenate them to work with all their enthusiasm, then include some fun activities in the team at regular basis.
You can introduce some interesting games wherein your team can interact in an informal basis. You can even give away some prizes, or conduct inter team competitions. The sense of winning as a team will also motivate the workers to work together to achieve their goals in a formal way also.

A Team that Connects Emotionally, Works with Oneness even Physically

Building an emotional relationship within the team members is of vital importance.
The logic is simple enough, if you usually give 90% to work with people you don't connect with emotionally, you will give more than 100% while working with people you actually share a healthy emotional and professional bond with! Therefore, you must focus on knowing your team members at a personal level.
Arrange for a weekly or monthly lunch or dinner with your team members. Talk to them like a friend. Let them connect with each other in an emotional level.

A Team has No 'I's, It Only Understands 'We'

Although the team consists of various individuals having their individual expectations and needs, but if the mentioned ways are successfully implemented, then there is no individual in a team, there are just a 'united team'. The team leader plays a very important role in this. He has to keep addressing each and every member of the team together as 'one'.
For example, instead of saying I am happy with you, he should say, the entire team is happy with what we have achieved together as a team. These simple ways of addressing the team during team meetings or huddles can actually help this 'togetherness' sink in to the minds of all the employees.
So, if the team has performed well, everyone deserves equal treat, and if the performance has declined, everyone should be given equal motivation and things should be addressed to all as 'one'.

Successful Teams Consists of Clarity, Commitment and Consistency

In order to be a successful team, each and every member should be clear in terms of what is expected of him when it comes to contributing for the team success. There should be an inbuilt commitment to perform at the best of their capabilities all the time.
But in order to be clear, committed and consistent, the management or the team leader should make sure that there are regular meetings taking place to keep the team members updated and motivated.
Compete with other teams to bring in a sense of competitive spirit so that the employees may give in their best. And make sure that you make sure to give all the employees any kind of help and support that they need to improve their performance.

Together Each One Achieves More

No matter how much one contributes towards being successful as a team, if individual goals are not fulfilled, the employee or the team member will eventually get demoralized and demotivated to work with the team, which would eventually affect the team goals and targets.
Therefore, the management should constantly remind the team members as to how their success as a team can actually contribute towards fulfilling their individual goals.
For example, for some money is the ultimate motivation while on the other hand, some crave for appreciation and promotion. So give your employees and your team due reward, be it monetary or non-monetary to show them that teamwork comes down to total growth and success.
Just remember, you are dealing with humans with emotions and expectations. So if those emotions can lead to trouble in coordination, those emotions can also boost the employees to give in their 100% towards the success of the team.
So just let them know that you value them together, you care about them, their opinion matters in the organization, and that the organization wouldn't be complete if they weren't in it. Hope, you understood as to how you can promote teamwork at workplace.
To conclude, here's a quote.
"Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it."
- Bill Bradley