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How to Give Your New Employee a Successful First Day

Kevin Gardner
Did you know that employees who have a good first day at work are more likely to stay with that employer than those who don’t have a good first day? The entire recruitment process can be lengthy and costly and can also place a burden on the existing staff. Here’s how you can create a successful first day for your newest employee.

Introduce the Employee Beforehand

You’ll want to ask for an introductory email out a few days before they begin working. At a minimum the email should include: name, title, work team and some personal information such as where they’re from and what they like to do. This will give other employees a chance to make personal conversation with them when they meet in person for the first time.

Set Up Their Workspace

It’s important that a new employee’s work space is ready for them. No one wants to come to their new cubicle and see someone else’s mess.
Make sure you’ve worked with your Information Technology team so they have set a functioning phone and computer. You’ll probably need to print out log in instructions and a telephone manual.
Make sure there are basic office supplies available on the first day. Most people will want to pick out some of their own things. Make sure they atleast have a notebook, pen, sticky notes, paper clips and some folders. You should have some sort of personalized welcome gift or a card that everyone has signed. A personal touch can make a big difference.

Create a New Employee Schedule

Although employee onboarding refers to the entire process of bringing on a new staff person, creating a schedule for the first day is one of the most important things you can do to ensure you onboard properly. There’s nothing worse than sitting at your new desk and not knowing what you’re supposed to do.
Keep the first day simple and include personal introductions and a tour of the building. Make sure to point out the break rooms and common meeting rooms. If possible try to schedule a time for completing personnel paperwork on their second day. And always make sure you have a quick meeting at the end of the week and see if they have any questions.

Print Out a Staff Directory

It’s always nice to have a hard copy directory so employees know how to get a hold of someone. Or, if you have an online directory you can make sure the employee is logged in and show them where it’s located and recommend that they bookmark it. Make sure you point out the names of people they’ll need to contact – HR and IT are especially important.

Go Out for Lunch

The first day at the office is like the first day of school. It is awkward figuring out where to sit and what to eat. Tell your employee that you’ll be taking them out to lunch. It will give you a chance to have a relaxed conversation so you can get to know them. It should go without saying that you should buy lunch for your new employee’s first day.