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Group Decision-making Techniques

Amruta Gaikwad
A good decision can always prevent you from making mistakes in any kind of organization. It also helps to analyze and stabilize the situation. Over here, learn some group decision techniques, and become a proud owner of your firm.
People face many difficult situations in their personal and professional lives. Any upcoming situation leads to making decision. Sometimes, they create an emotional imbalance and deviate us from our work, bringing down our performance in daily activities. A calm and stable mind can conquer many tough situations and help us to enjoy life.
Many enterprises are adopting efficient ways of decision-making, to not only help the company progress, but make work more efficient and manageable for its staff.
Decision-making plays a key role in management, business and organization. A decision is taken when all the opinions are studied well and taken into consideration. Therefore, the process of making a decision is tough and long. It requires a certain pattern and plan to reach the effective decision. Let us take a look at some of these techniques.


A great solution is the product of comprising many ideas together. Such a technique is commonly used during the time of making a group decision, where many ideas or opinions are expressed in order to reach to a conclusion.
This strategy has the advantage of improving the number and quality of the ideas. Listening to different views of different people proves more effective than an individual's view. This method disallows the criticism of views and promotes more ideas and its analysis.
As, more than one person is involved in this technique, it is likely that the opinions of people might not always be well accepted. Therefore, it involves a procedure, which helps in smooth running of brainstorming session.
There are certain components of brainstorming like, a problem, set of participants including a facilitator and set of questions. Following these steps is beneficial to come to a sensible conclusion or solution.

Scrutinizing the Problem

After learning about the different and innovative ideas, it is time to conduct a thorough study of these views. It is essential to understand the effects or consequences of each idea, before implementing them. This method plays a key role in reaching to a better decision.
Here, the participants are divided into two groups and are assigned with a group of ideas discussed. One group speaks for the ideas, while the other speaks in opposition.
In short, a debate is conducted to analyze the problem and its different solutions. This strategy helps in going through and viewing the problem from all the possible ways.

Vote for the Ideas

When the problem is well understood, the next step is to vote for a suitable idea. The participants are asked to write down or to make a list of the ideas that they find is appropriate.
Once all the listed ideas are considered, there is further discussion on them, where criticism is allowed to come to a more refined conclusion. Discussion helps to shortlist the ideas generated and introduces alternatives for making a decision.

Reaching to the Decision

Submitting the list of ideas and conducting a discussion, every participant must express their individual views on the short listed ideas. The individual must give the effects of his decision and must allow others to share their thoughts on that decision.
After everyone expresses their view and suitable ideas, it is then possible to arrive at the most awaited decision.
Making a decision is an important step, that has long effects on our life. Therefore, it needs to be taken carefully and smartly. Any decision, taken by a company reflects its functioning. A single mistake can pull down a business and can even face further complications.
Various advantages and disadvantages of group decision must also be taken under consideration before even starting the process. However, adapting to the group decision techniques can determine the success of a firm and even help improve the relations among the staff of the company.