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Collaborative Management Style

Saptakee Sengupta
What is the collaborative management style? Why is it important for an organization? How does it promote the growth of a company? Interested to know the facts about collaborative management? Read on for some useful information.
A sustained collaboration among employees and their work is required for the progress of an organization.
The techniques that are employed to promote integrity in work to avoid conflicts, as a whole, is known as collaborative management. The main motive behind execution of such tools and techniques is to bring about a positive growth in the business.
Collaborative management is a framework within which all strategies pertaining to conflict management and business development are included. The efficiency of the techniques depends on the approach of the team leaders and their ability to handle issues, ranging from simple to complicated. We explain you the details over here.

Collaborative Management Style: An Overview

Since it's one of those conflict management strategies, collaborative management aims to integrate solutions for the purpose of building a sound relationship between employers, employees, customers, clients and vendors.
Perspectives of people and the business are merged together and decisions are taken, only after considering the benefits of the organization and its people. This business management style proves conducive for everyone.
The collaborative approach encourages open discussions to bring opinions of people to the light. Reasons behind conflicts, discrepancies in work and other types of disputes prevailing in the organization are analyzed thoroughly before finalizing any decision.
Some of the significant outcomes of this style are equal distribution of work and improved work proficiency. Such tools effectively initiate coordination between team members and different sectors of the organization also function in a synchronized fashion.
An organization always has a separate team for collaborative management. Team members are skilled in solving conflicts and they have considerable experience in handling complicated situations and sorting out problems arising due to unforeseen circumstances.
Management executives should possess effective listening skills and communicative powers. They should be capable of confronting complicated matters and understand the views of people. Collaborative management techniques also cover a detailed analysis of underlying concerns, input, productivity of the business and they solve matters in a nonviolent repose.
Here, we provide you the views of Iva Wilson, coauthor of the book, 'The Power of Collaborative Leadership (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000)'. She explains three conditions that are quintessential in collaborative management. They are:
  • Individual and organizational learning, as well as stewardship of and support for the learning process by leaders.
  • A set of values to guide the company in building a vision, developing strategy, and designing tactics.

  • A model for distributing power.
Collaborative management teams also monitor if the plans and decisions taken by them are implemented as per the laid norms. They evaluate employees and their potential to work in accordance with the policies. This is a way to ensure development in business and avoid conflicts in the long run.
Collaborative managers should also be efficient in garnering trust of the organization and they also have to provide feedback to the concerned delegates. Thus, the foundation of the managing body is based on mutual trust, understanding and cooperation.
The tools implemented and the style adopted by the management team depends on the nature of the business, the type of conflicts and the people involved in it. The business model is designed after considering the size of the business and the operational issues concerned with it.
Meetings are conducted accordingly and the management team tries to solve the prevailing obstacles in a step by step manner. Sorting out conflicts by collaborating employees, their work and other responsibilities is no doubt a challenging job.
The styles and techniques of collaborative management differ from company to company and they are formed according to the nature and mode of the crisis.
Critics say that too much implementation of collaborative techniques can cause wastage of time on trivial matters and might give rise to commitment issues. People tend to evade their responsibilities and look for shortcuts, which are not very promising for a company.
Thus, deadlines should be set for solving the conflicts and responsibilities should be shared equally among the team members for effective functioning of a collaborative management team.