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Ideas for Charity Fundraising in the Workplace

Medha Godbole
Are you out of ideas for charity fundraising at your workplace? No problem! Here are few ideas for you.
Did you ever imagine that your workplace could be a fantastic way to earn money for a good cause, like charity? Well, yes it is, and it is not just that you make money, but it can be a lot of fun as well! Of course that depends on what all you do for raising funds.
In addition to getting money, these activities can break the monotony of work, and can infuse a new freshness and life in your colleagues!

Office Charity Fundraising Ideas

It is no big deal to raise some money for charity at work. You just need to be a bit enthusiastic and have an idea as to what people may like to do while thinking of workplace fundraising ideas.

Raff it Off

What you can do is print matching tickets to begin with. Then you can sell each one for a specific price and then have a draw. Give away prizes to those people who draw matching tickets. You can have some gift vouchers from a nearby shop, or arrange for a meal at a restaurant as a prize!

I Swear This Can Work

This is the best way to catch your colleagues off guard and can turn out to be the best idea at work. Here is what you do. Think of placing a swear box in your office. Every time an employee is caught swearing, he or she should make an addition, or rather a donation to the swear box.
There would be numerous instances in a day when your colleagues would have sworn and they would need to fill the box with the cash! You never know how much you can earn with this trick! But there is a "conditions apply" here! If you feel your workplace and office is that 'cool' only then you can try this idea.

Get Out, Get Going

This simple and one of those easy fundraising ideas which does not need you to think much. Put across a proposal of an outing or picnic, and take initiative to organize it.
To organize that event you would need money, so you would obviously ask for it. This is simple, uncomplicated and you need not exactly have a bulk of your creative juices flowing in full glory for workplace fundraising ideas!

Gastronomically Yours!

Well, there are single men and women, married ones and other types of people who may not get time to eat breakfast before coming to work.
Arranging for a sumptuous breakfast in the office through the concerned agency and taking a small amount for it depending on the consumption can work too. You can get sandwiches, bacon, eggs, donuts, croissants and many more things in the menu.

Wearing the Money

All of us buy new clothes and not because the old ones are torn or are in a pathetic state. We buy new ones because we either do not fit in them or are simply bored of them or they are out of fashion.
For raising money, you can ask the employees to donate such clothes and sell them off to an organization which needs them or otherwise depending on their condition.
There is a lot more you can do, provided your office colleagues are sport enough to participate! All the best!